Site Owned by Upper Valley Lake Sunapee Regional Planning Commission
Build Your Soil
Test Your Soil
A soil test is a great first step in building soils that will promote healthy plants and discourage disease and pests. Here's where to get soil tests and further information:
UNH Analytical Services Lab
UVM Agricultural and Environmental Testing Lab
Use Compost
Compost builds the soil's capacity to hold moisture, resist disease, and a myriad other positive attributes. Compost can be used as a soil amendment as well as a mulch. Local places to get compost:
- Valley Food & Farm list of local compost sources
- Vermont Compost Company c/o Woodstock Recycling and Refuse, Woodstock, VT(802) 457-1807
- Thetford, Cedar Circle Farm - 802-785-4737
- White River Junction, Upper Valley Co-op - 802-295-5804
- West Lebanon Feed & Supply - 603-298-8600
Make your own compost: Composting 101.
Organic fertilizers can add nutrients to your soil without the use of manufactured chemicals. Most are available at your local garden center.